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Will you join the mission to help stop myeloma before it starts?

Welcoming man, African American,Senior


THE PROMISE study is the first study to test healthy people who may be at risk for early warning signs of a blood cancer called multiple myeloma.


We will further study people who test positive for these early warning signs of multiple myeloma so that we can learn how to prevent them from developing into cancer. 


This study aims to make multiple myeloma a cancer that is preventable.

PROMISE Study Videos

PROMISE Study Videos
Our Promise To Share Hope

Our Promise To Share Hope

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Promise Study Introduction

Promise Study Introduction

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The PROMISE Study - Principal Investigator Irene Ghobrial M.D.

The PROMISE Study - Principal Investigator Irene Ghobrial M.D.

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Who can join and get screened at no cost?

African American Adults age 45-75
Close Family Relatives, age 45-75

2 groups of U.S. adults, age 30 or older, qualify for a free screening:

1.  African Americans


2. People of Any Race Who Have a Parent, Sibling, or Child with: 

      Multiple myeloma, another blood cancer, OR one these related conditions: 

We are also enrolling individuals who are 18 years of age or older and have a strong family history of blood cancer (2 or more first- and second-degree relatives).

Please sign up for the study if you qualify.


Note: The PROMISE study is for people who may have higher risks,

but have not been diagnosed with any of these conditions. 


If you have been diagnosed with one of these conditions,  please visit our PCROWD study, a sister project for people with precursor conditions.  

PCROWD Study logo Dana-Farber

Thank you for your interest in this mission.  We encourage anyone to invite people who may qualify for a screening.

Anchor-Who Can Join

How do I join and get screened for free?

Anchor-How Do I Join -A

2. Accept Terms

Step 2: Review and Accept Terms.png

Take a short survey and decide whether to go to the next step. We are fully committed to protecting your privacy. Study data is used only for research.

3. Contact Study Team to Receive Kit

Step 3: Get kit with vials for screening

Once you have completed the enrollment and are qualified for a free screening, contact the study team at or by phone at 617-582-8544 and we will send a collection kit to you at no cost. 

Watch this video to view the components of your kit and what to bring to your blood draw appointment.

4. Schedule


Step 4: Schedule screening- calendar with drop and vial for screening

When the kit arrives, it will contain instructions for how to schedule your free screening at a Quest Diagnostics lab near you, where they will collect a small amount of blood to be tested.  

5. Get Results

Step 5: Receive results of screening

We will check your blood sample for certain proteins that we call "precursor conditions" for  multiple myeloma - a type of blood cancer. 

We will notify all participants of their results.  Everyone who participates is helping researchers  find new ways to prevent and treat blood cancer.  

PROMISE News and Media

Journalist Tom Brokaw visits with Dr. 

Ghobrial and Dr. Anderson

Tom Brokaw, Dr. Irene Ghobrial and Dr. Kenneth Anderson interview

View our "Ask The Experts" Webinar Series where your questions are answered.

Ask the Experts webinar panel
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